South Shore Business Improvement District
About The BID
A business improvement district (BID) is a public/private partnership in which property owners and business owners collectively agree to pay for additional services such as maintenance, sanitation, marketing, and events to enhance their district and make it more appealing for people to work, shop and live.
BID Fast Facts
The South Shore BID services the towns of Annadale, Eltingville and Great Kills and Represents Over 170 Commercial Properties Accounting for More than 300 Businesses in total


Great Kills

The South Shore BID Complete District Map

The Mission of the South Shore Business Improvement District is to make the towns of Annadale, Eltingville and Great Kills safer, more beautiful and ultimately a better place to work, shop and live.
BID Banners
The South Shore BID has more than 70 banners hung throughout the commercial district welcoming patrons to each town and highlighting activities such as eating and shopping.
South Shore BID Services

Private Sanitation
Beautifcation & Maintenance
Holiday Lighting
The BID is funded through an assessment formula which was created and voted upon by its members. The assessment is collected by the Department of Finance and given to the BID so it may fund the programs and services its needs.
You cannot ‘become a member” of the BID. You are either a member or not by virtue of whether or not your business is listed on our District Map.
The South Shore BID is a recognized 501c3 nonprofit organization.
The BID is overseen by a Board of Directors comrpised of stakeholders in each town. The Board operates with guidance from the organization’s Executive Director.
There are currently 76 BID’s in New York City, 3 of which are on Staten Island.
The South Shore BID was signed into law on May 18th 2015.
While the BID services the towns and Annadale, Eltingville and Great Kills, its members are based on and its services provide to only those who fall within the District Plan created in 2015.
Yes! Our online directory and marketing services are FREE to all registered BID members.
BID Leadership
Gary Fleming, President
John Scalia, Vice president
Gail Castellano, Treasurer
Frank Rapacciuolo, Secretary
Patricia Galea, Board member
Danny Cassella, Board Member
Traci Cangiano, Board Member
Fred Limeri, Board Member
Frank Rizzo, Board Member
Mike Bloomfield, Board Member
Carmine Gualtieri, Board Member
Fred Shayewitz, Board Member
Eric Busittil, Board Member
James Anderson, Resident Board Member
Anthony Rapacciuolo, Executive Director